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Protect Your Braces While Playing Sports

Getting braces doesn’t mean giving up the sports you love! Luckily, braces will not keep you from any sport or physical activity. However, the price you pay for a beautiful smile is taking a little extra care of your mouth while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Play Safe, Play All Season

In general, it is not uncommon for an athlete to experience injuries to the mouth and jaw area. Ever taken a soccer ball to the face? A fixed orthodontic appliance, such as braces, does increase your risk of oral injuries. Common oral injuries include lacerations to the cheeks, lips, and tongue, chipped or broken teeth, TMJ, and root fractures.

Have no fear, you can easily protect your teeth, mouth, and braces while playing sports by investing in a mouthguard. While it is suggested that braces patients invest in an orthodontic model, a basic mouthguard will provide more protection than nothing at all.


The Game Plan for Mouthguards

Here is the low-down on mouthguards – they are easily accessible, simple to use, and highly effective at preventing damage and injury to your braces and mouth. While they should really be worn for all sports, they are vitally important for those playing high-contact sports like football, hockey, and boxing.

If you are an avid athlete and plan to play sports throughout the duration of your treatment, Dr. Albert Lucas, Dr. Albert Lucas Jr., and Dr. Jonathan Lucas at Lucas Orthodontics strongly suggests investing in an orthodontic mouthguard. These mouthguards are designed specifically to be used with braces and may protect your mouth and teeth better than the simple version that you buy at the store.

Keep in Mind

Whether you have braces or not, if you ever happen to receive an injury to your teeth or mouth, get in touch with your general dentist’s office ASAP. They can diagnose any tooth damage, including root or jaw bone fractures. After you’ve been assessed by your dentist, also have Dr. Albert Lucas, Dr. Albert Lucas Jr., and Dr. Jonathan Lucas take a look to see if anything needs to be repaired or replaced.

As always, if you have any questions about sports and braces, contact our office with any questions or concerns.